
True Lucia was founded and created by myself, artist Gianna Lucia, in February 2020 as an outlet for my artistic endeavors. I have always been an artist and creative throughout my life, but for a long time period I mostly used my art as an outlet for my own creative expression. I kept most of my artwork around my home or in many journals and notebooks I had filled up. Eventually I began selling some of my physical art when I first started posting it, around 2017, and it garnered interest from those who interacted with it. I have always wanted to make my art more accessible and to be seen more than just a painting that hangs on a wall. It was this idea that ultimately birthed True Lucia: a clothing brand built around wearable art which allows people to creatively express themselves every time they step out their door. It has been the most rewarding form of art I've ever created. 

True Lucia is a brand created to encourage self expression through wearable art & to promote being your true authentic self. True Lucia is for everyone, all ages, all genders, all races, all sizes. Everyone should be able to feel confident in their clothing and style. A huge form of self expression comes from your clothing, hair color, how you style your outfits, etc. I want to promote being your true authentic self, because being a young teen/young adult it's often hard to stand out and look different. It can be intimidating, but it's worth it. I want that when you put True Lucia on you feel good! You feel happy. I want everyone who sees you to feel happy just looking at your True Lucia clothing. I want joy, love and hope to ripple through communities through artistic expression. Don't ever be afraid to add a little rainbow to your wardrobe.

"Wear Art. Be Art."

The name True Lucia comes from my middle name, Lucia, which means Light; and the word "True". The combined meaning being True Light. I want True Lucia to be a brand that makes you want to be your true self, to be your unique self, to not try to be anyone else and let your light shine. 

Every item is made individually by myself to give each piece that special touch. They are carefully and sustainably hand crafted in Charleston, SC by Gianna Lucia.

Every piece is either hand dyed, hand painted, hand screen printed, sewn, and/or carefully curated repurposed items.

Est. 2020


Stay true to yourself & never change to fit in!